Indialantic U16 Force





Home   Coaching Staff   Team Contacts   Roster   Schedule    Photos   Game Results   League Standings   Player Stats   Directions





We are creating this site to improve communication among our team members and to keep our fans up-to-date with the latest action and scores from our games. Our webpage will include such things as the schedule, standings, and directions to fields. We are looking forward to a great year!

Bottom from left to right: Nitang , Amy, Teresa, KC, Katie, Ella, Jessica

Top row from left to right: Fidgi, ?,DeeDee, Sara, Keliana, Alex, Katie, Sara , John





Home   Coaching Staff   Team Contacts   Roster   Schedule    Photos   Game Results   League Standings   Player Stats   Directions


Indialantic Youth Soccer Association


For web page questions or comments contact: snewland@cfl.rr.con